Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Dear Husband was taken to the hospital tonight......

  As many of you know, Timmy was hurt at work and was diagnosed with RSD/CRPS due to his injury. He has complex RSD and damage to his siatic nerve. His leg goes to sleep quite frequently and he will just fall so he walks with a cane a lot. He is in continuous pain and there are many things he can no longer do because of his RSD. His Doctor felt that things were bad enough that he told Timmy to file for disability at the age of 26. The Doctor took care of the paperwork and everything else the judge needed. Disability is not easy to get and most people do not get it on their first try but Timmy did due to his injury and everything it has caused. He now has high blood pressure, a fast heart rate, high cholesterol due to not being able to exercise, he is overweight, depression issues and the list goes on and on. His life has completely changed.
 We see the Doctor about once every three months for a basic check up and to see if he needs any medicine changes. He takes six meds daily. Usually we make changes because he needs more relief or he doesn't like a side effect. This past week we visited the Dr. again and he was very concerned about Timmy. His vitals were 158/108 and HR-157. He was keeping a red face and was staying out of breath. The Dr. ran labs, an EKG and changed his meds. He was concerned that a muscle relaxer was causing some of the issues and wanted to give him another med to replace it. He gave him a beta blocker and said it would lower his vitals and help with the pain. That was Wednesday. We picked up the meds on Wednesday Night and he started taking them Thursday Morning (Thanksgiivng).
Up until Today (Monday) he seemed to be tolerating the changes okay. This afternoon though, that all changed. He said he felt bad this Morning and I couldn't get him to eat. I thought he was just coming down with something though. He decided to get up and try to get some things done. He kissed me bye and said he was going up to his Nannys house (which I can see from my front window) to get some plywood because he wanted to make my laundry basket shelves. He was in a good mood and excited about making the shelves for me. About ten minutes later my phone rang, it was Timmy and he sounded horrible. He asked what meds I had given him Today and told me that he was dizzy. I thought he was just haivng one of th spells he has over his pain so I told him to come on home. In the two minutes it took him to get to his truck and drive back to the house, he threw up and started sweating profusely. He walked in the door and he was sweating and couldn't walk in a straight line. I sat him down, got him something to drink and started asking him questions about how he felt. Everytime I asked him something, he had a delayed response and when he did respond it was with slurred speech. I was scared to death. The first thought was a stroke because his BP stays so high. I got the stethescope, blood pressure machine, flash light, my cell phone and started my assessment. He was sweating so bad that we had two fans on and my shirt was covered from just taking his vitals. His BP was 98/69 and HR was 48. I panicked and I called his Mom. For those of you who do not know, his Mom is a RN at Central Baptist Hospital. She has been an RN for years. She just lives up the road too. She quickly came down here. I stopped her and told her that he was cold/clammy, sweating, he had thrown up, his bp was low and etc. She assessed him for less than five minutes and knew we needed to call 911. She called for the paramedics while I gathered medicines and got everyone ready. It seemed like it took the ambulance forever to get here. His Mom told me that he was grey and his mental status was scaring her pretty badly. It was scaring me too. The medics spent a very few minutes in the house. Once they seen his HR and BP, they were just concerned with getting him to the Hospital. That caused me to panick some more.
I had alreayd called my Dad to come and drive me to the hospital. Thankfully I can always count on him and he was on his way. While we waited for them we worked out details of where the kids would go and I tried to keep the kids calm. We prayed over Timmy and I tried to explain to them that they would go with Granny and Daddy would be okay. They were worried but because I was able to keep it together, they were more calm. That is why it is so important as parents that we keep ourselves together in an Emergency if you have kids. They need to see you believe it is okay before they can believe it.
My Dad arrived just as they were loading Timmy in the ambulance. He told him he was bringing me and Ty and we would be there soon. Dad said "Timmy looks really bad". If Dad says you look bad, you know you do. Dad was worried too.
I got the kids off with Granny and Dad & I headed to the hospital. I prayed all the way there believing that God had control. I have to tell you though that I was scared bad. I was afraid that I wouldn't see my Husband alive again.
It turns out that in the ambulance, on the way to the ER they had to give him Atropine to help bring up his heart rate. IT got down to 40 and that was scary low.
The ER staff done a cardiac work up, labs to check other things, a chest xray, two ekgs, a sit/satnding blood pressure test and some other tests. We went over every single med that Timmy takes, his diagnosis and problems and etc.
It is always frusterating working with an ER Dr. because he doesn't understand your history, but if your regular Dr. is not in and you are on deaths door, you have to trust them.
Timmy is very sensitive to medications. He has no tolerance for meds at all. If it says to give him two tsps, you only give him one because two will knock him out. It's that way with Nyquil or anything. As it turns out Timmy had a near fatal reaction to the new beta blocker the Doctor put him on. He got Bradycardia and his BP bottomed out which caused these issues. The Doctor said that if we would not have called the ambulance, his heart could have stopped. Luciky the atripone stopped the beta blocker from doing what it is supposed to do and that kept it from continuing to affect his heart/BP and organs.
We were told to stop all of Timmy's meds until we can reach his Doctor in the AM. He is stlll having Bradycardia issues. His HR has not been over 60 since we have been home. I am not sleeping Tonight between Ty being up with a belly ahe and Timmy being so sick, I am still up. I won't sleep until Timmy gets up for the day because if he has this problem again and is asleep, he mgiht not come out of it next time. The Bradycardia  is what is concerning myself, his mother and even the ER Doctor. He should not still be having Bradycardia issues once the Beta Blocker was out of his system. We are praying that it has not done any permanant damage to his heart.
Please continue to pray for Timmy and for the Doctors who are treating him. Pray that his Doctor will know what tests need to be done and what meds to give in order to help him feel better, keep him stabilized and treat him long term without anymore episodes like this.
Please also continue to pray for our Family. In the past six weeks I have been hospitalized and away from the kids, had a new baby, had a hemmhorage, got mastitis, the baby got put in the hospital for three days and again the kids were split from Mommy again, the baby came home and I got sick again. I've had a virus, my fibromyalgia has started flaring up, Maddie's had some heart issues, Ty's been diagnosed with Albinism, Timmy starting have worse pain and Tonight he nearly died. The DEVIL is working so hard on our Family. I've rebuked him Tonight and told him to leave our family alone. Please pray that we can get some relief from everything that is happening to our family. We need some time to adjust, enjoy each other and get our routine back. The kids need peace and contentment. Our whole Family needs routine.
I could type quite a bit more but I am so tired and it is showing in my writing. I'll have to edit this Tomorrow after I get some rest.
For now, Timmy is stable but I'm just taking it minute by minute. Please pray that he stays stable. I love my Husband very much. I cannot imagine my life without him. I do not want to have to spend the rest of my life without him. I just pray that there is no permanat damage to his heart.
Thank you all so much for the prayers/thoughts/texts/posts/emails/etc. God Bless You All. I will update after we know more.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Meet The Morris Family

 Many of you already know our Family but I want to reintroduce ourselves so that those following our blog knows who we are.
 I am Amy, The Wife, Mother, Christian, Blogger, etc. I am 30, married to my High School Sweetheart and living my dream as a Stay at Home, Homeschooling Mother.
 My Husband is Timmy. He is my High School Sweetheart. He is a carpenter by trade. However, he is now on disability. This is very hard because he has such a bad injury and is so young but we deal with it daily. I grow to love him even more each and everyday. He is a Christian Husband and Father which is so important. His passion lies in his family and his Dodge Truck.
 Our First Born is Maddie. She is our Princess. She loves animals and her little Brothers.
 Our Second Born is Tuff. He is our First Prince. He loves Monster Trucks and WWE Wrestling. He's pretty fond of his siblings too.
 Our Third Child and our newest addition is Baby Ty. He is our 1st reversal miracle. I'll wrie more about that later. We are very Thankful to God for allowing our reversal to work and for continuing to bless us with Children.
 We live on a farm in Kentucky and we love it. We are country to the bone from the way we dress, the way we talk, the things we eat, the hobbies we have and etc.
  We spend all of our time together because Timmy is home with us all the time and the kids are homeschooled. It can be challenging at times but it is such a blessing. We are very Thankful to God for the way he has blessed our family.
 Now that you know the basics I can move on to other posts. I hope that you enjoy my blog. I enjoy writing and sharing our life with others. I get so many wonderful notes/emails/etc about how my writing has touched someone and that makes it very worth it to me. God Bless You All.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Morris Better aka More Is Better

Hi Friends. I had a blog a while back titled Blessed in KY but I decided to delete it due to many issues. Since then God has laid it on my heart to start another blog. I seem to touch a lot of people through sharing our life online and though some think that is not the right decision, I will continue to do what God has laid on my heart.
When I decided to start another blog, I aksed my friends to help me come up with a new blog name and while I got several great suggestions, this one was my favorite. It is true that when it comes to love, children, family- more is better! It goes wonderfully with our Family Name- Morris so we came up with MorrisBetter aka More is Better for our blog name. I hope you like it as much as we do.
Since the last time I had a blog we have had our vasectomy reversal and welcomed a new addition into our family. I look forward to sharing that story with all of you.
I hope you will bookmark this page and that my Blog will be a place you will visit daily.
God Bless You All.